What else is more important than your relationships?

Learn how to mend and build great relationships with the Five Conversations.

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One Another Project is built from over 30 years of mission-driven experience. Countless churches and individuals around the globe have participated and provided insight to refine these five simple but powerful conversations.

Created through 30+ Years of Experience

Do you find life struggles make it difficult to connect with people closest to you? Are you having trouble talking with relatives and friends? These Five Conversations revive and grow meaningful relationships, using Biblical stories as examples. Whatever the situation, conversations around these subjects will help you to restore what once seemed hopeless.

Based on Biblical Principles

About the Five Conversations

Two of the most loving and healing words you can say are “well done.” Learning to share positive thoughts is the first step toward building strong relationships.

Seeing a good and real path for someone, and then cheering them on is always helpful. Discussed in a positive, honest way, these conversations will make any relationship stronger.

When someone “blows up” at you, they have pain that has not been talked about. Finding the pain, talking about it, and saying, “I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” starts healing the relationship.

What's Good

What Could Be

What's Hurt Them

Hope is a stronger motivator of people than even fear or love. The best and deepest relationships have conversations that find where each other’s hope is.

When you’ve been hurt in a relationship, you need to get the other person to talk with you about it. Saying “ouch” to them and discussing it, not letting the pain grow and cause more harm, is an important step towards healing.

What's Hurt Me

Where Our Hope Is

Real changes from real participants

What Participants Are Saying

"Unmet expectations and disappointment had led us to shutting each other out. After Five Conversations, we've reconciled and it’s beautiful. "

Christie S.

"The Five Conversations material helped me to see that I am not alone in this struggle and there are simple techniques that can be used and help to get to deep conversations".

Tanya K.

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