For more than 25 years, we have been working as mediators in churches, both on a large scale (congregational interventions) and smaller scales (staff conflicts). Throughout the year, we offer various training courses designed to teach peacemaking/mediation processes to individuals who may feel called to this work. Our processes draw upon a variety of conflict resolution models from such sources as Family Systems Therapy, Neighborhood Factions Reconciliation, Transformative Mediation, and Biblical Reconciliation Counseling.
For more information about training opportunities, please contact us.
Upcoming Training Opportunities

This training is 3 full days (9AM – 5PM) and is aimed at church leaders wishing to learn to facilitate biblical reconciliation in a 2-party conflict.
COST: $350 which includes lunches and materials. $125 deposit is due upon registration of which $75 is refundable if cancelled 30 days prior to the training.
2025 dates and locations still open:
- February 17-19 @ Camp Copass, Denton, Texas
- April 29 – May 1 @ Oak Hills Church, San Antonio, Texas
This full week of training runs from 1PM Monday until Noon Saturday and is aimed at peacemakers wishing to learn to walk with an entire congregation through conflict towards a God-honoring resolution.
COST: $950 which includes lodging, meals and materials. $125 deposit is due upon registration of which $75 is refundable if cancelled 30 days prior to the training.

For more information about any of these training events, contact:
Blake Coffee
blake (at)
(210) 386-7895
What participants have said:
“The congregational mediation and intervention training by One Another Project is an invaluable tool. It not only focuses on resolving the issues and getting past the problem but looks at restoring relationships between people and restoring the relationship between that person and God. It’s an invaluable tool in the ministry and I recommend it for anybody to help them communicate better and to help them lead others as well.” Chas Carlisle, Exec. Director, Enon Baptist Association, Texas
“If you’re a church leader, looking to add some tools in your toolbox, in the area of conflict resolution (to help listen to one another, to understand one another, and to point to truth for reconciliation) then you gotta go to church mediation training through Blake Coffee and his ministry. It is well worth your time.” Greg Oefinger, Executive Minister, Oak Hills Church, San Antonio
“One Another Project provided the best and most biblical model for helping churches in conflict I’ve seen in 30 years of full-time ministry.”
Jeff Thompson, Missionary, Concord Baptist Association, Ft. Smith, Arkansas
“The Church Conflict Intervention Training that my wife and I received from One Another Project was outstanding. I truly believe that this ministry has the potential to be one of the greatest church revitalization tools for the local church. It’s Christ focused and Biblically sound. It can help the church develop a culture of unity and help a church find restoration when the unity of the church has been ruptured.”
Dr. Richard Lee, Senior Pastor, FBC Sherwood, Arkansas
“You can get a lot of tools for your toolbox online or in books but I don’t believe there’s a substitute for the life-on-life impartation that happens when you’re with Blake and his team. Like the old saying goes, “Some things are better caught than taught.” When you’re with them, you will catch a heart for unity and mediation that flows out of their life over the past 25 years of helping people come to unity.” Josh Bolch, Pastor
“The stuff that Blake covers is not just good for conflict mediation but discipleship stuff which is good for every pastor. It’s good for your relationships within your home. It is all biblical concepts that are fantastic for helping us move forward in our relationships in a godly way and in a God-honoring way. I can’t speak highly enough of it. It would be my wish that everybody could go through it and learn these concepts for everyday life, so I encourage you, if you get the opportunity to be trained in this, if you’re a mission strategist, a denominational worker or just a pastor, it’s something that would be great for you to use going forward.” Bob Johnson, Arkansas Baptist State Convention